K. A way for you to grow fuchsias in hangingpots and hangingbaskets

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To grow a nice fuchsia hanger with a substantial girth the hanging pot or hanging basket had to become implanted with 5 till 11 stems. Will this hangers flower and grow exuberant in the summer season, then the choice of potting soil is  very important. That potting soil namely had to be composed airy sothat during growing out and flowering, the roots can assimilate out of the soil much oxygen.  When you then also follow up the here given tips of care, your hanging fuchsias will grow out in your garden as showbench plants.

When you select a fuchsia variety that has a natural robust growth, it will do with one stem in a pot. But to get a nice dense hanger, we take a hanging-basket or a large pot (mimimum diameter 24 cm and deep 14 cm) and plant in it minimum 5 à 6 stems, of which one is placed in the middle.
The best result is obtained with real (slope)hangers and examples of this are the varieties Wilma Versloot, Frozen Tears and WALZ Waterval. When the pots are of stone there had to be drainage holes under in the pot. From the little growing slope hangersTrailing King, Trailing Queen, Jaspers Ringeling and Mantilla you can implant well 11 stems in such a hanging basket or large pot. Wall-baskets mostly have a more little content of soil and in there we plant minimum 3 stems. Exists the implant of varieties, that grow out as halfhanger you take into consideration that the whole can grow out til a diameter of about 70 till 80 cm.

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The implant of hanging baskets must been done as early, dearest for the beginning of March. After the first pair of leaves you can pinch allready. After that remain pinching til half of April after each pair of leaves. After the last time of pinching, hang the plants more dark and give them than also a rapid working nitrogen fertilizer. This furthers the growing out, the space between the pair of leaves (internods) than becomes more long, the branches become by this more slack and are  going than more hanging. 

Care in the flowering season

After 15 Mai they can been brought outdoors.  To prevent burning by sun, hang this hangers the first two weeks outof sun. The regrowing after sunburning namely delivers an arrears of about 3 weeks. Hang the plants lateron in the sun, take than care  by fertilizing with Osmocote-grains. When that grains then aren't in the middle of the pot, the sunheat on the grains can cause a suddenly surplus of fertilizer.

When the pots become warmed up by the sun, isolation against the inside with for example a strip of bubble folie is desired. The potting soil becomes than more cool and there evaporate also less water.

Hanging-baskets and large hanging pots best can hang up with swivels, sothat they can become turned regular for a well-balanced growing out.  A nice round growing come into existence by turning one-third, 1 time in three days. Remove old flowers and berries.

Care in the winter

My experience   has learned, you get the nicest hangers by implanting every year the pots and baskets with new stems and so the old hangers are thrown away. When you still save old hangers of one yaer, than they must been pruned early (before the end of September) and very short. The plants namely have to run out again before they are going into the greenhouse. When they become pruned lateron,the chance is very great, they didn't run out again in spring. We prune them so far back, that there remains still one pair of leaves of the branches after last time pruning in half April.
Is the plant two or more years old, than it can been pruned lateron. Prune it short, but let standing a pair of leaves of the branches, which run out the year before.


Hold during the winter the growth in the plant, but well as this the internods remain short. Place for that purpose the plant as cool as possible (about 7°C) and place him on a light place. A place above in the greenhouse is good, but notice that they didn't dry out there. When we notice that a certain variety hasn't become dense enough, implant than henceforward more stems of these variety per pot or basket.

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'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site' - November 2008