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C.'The Botanical Register' of Sydenham Edwards

To Dutch version

Sydenham Edwards (1768-1819) was the son of a schoolmaster out of Wales and he attracted attention as 'botanical artist' of Curtis. He came to London to practish with Curtis and during 27 years the most drawings in 'Curtis Botanical Magazine' are made by him. As a result of a misunderstanding in 1815 he terminate the co-operating with this publication and he started the publishing of the competitive 'Botanical Register'(1815-1847). He also has illustrated 'The new Botanic Garden' with 133 plates of plants. Plate 120 is made by Andrews; other plates in this book, which are made after 1819, also will be of other artists than Edwards.



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F.corymbiflora - (Ruiz & Pavon 1802). Plate 70 in edition 1841. F.boliviana is now the name.

F.gracilis - (Lindl. 1824). Plate 847. F.magellanica var. gracilis (Lindley) is now the name.

F.fulgens - (De Candolle 1828). Edition from 1838 plate 1.




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F.arborescens - (Sims 1825). Plate 943 in edition of 1826.

F.microphylla - (Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth 1823). Edition Vol. 15 plate 1269.

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F.magellanica conica - (Lindl. 1824). Plate 1062 from edition 1827.

F.spectabilis - (Bentham 1848). Is a synoniem name for F.macrostigma (Bentham 1844). The other plant is a Begonia.

Cylindrical-flowered fuchsia - F.cylindracea 1838

'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'- November 2008

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