J19-Knophome 2kB.jpg (2001 bytes)             J19-Knopback  2kB.jpg (1931 bytes)


B.'Paxton's Magazine of Botany' of Joseph Paxton

To Dutch version

The English 'Chatsworth Estate Paxton' has one of the most famous gardens of Europe. Joseph Paxton was here the principal gardener. He had also influence on the import of many exotic flowers. His 'Paxton's Magazine of Botany' (1834-1849) belonged together with the 'Curtis's Botanical Magazine' (1787- ) and the 'Botanical Register' (1797-1812) from Sydenham Edwards till the most influential botanical descriptions on the area of nurserymen. This in a limited edition published publications (not realy magazines, but an assembling prints on folio sheets with drawings of plants with above this advices for the gardener) showed splendid hand-colored and accurate worked-out images. They were made to show to the listeners during lectures, that merchants and 'prominent persons in England' held. The drawings in the 'Magazine of Botany' (a publication in 16 editions) are made by F.W. Smith en S. Holden. To oppose discoloration the prints are treated with a protecting wash based on white of egg. As a highly appreciate florist Joseph Paxton got lateron the titel 'Sir Joseph'.



J19-F.serratifolia Paxton 52kB.jpg (52404 bytes)

J19-F.fulgens Paxton 50kB.jpg (50986 bytes)


F.serratifolia - (Ruiz & Pavon 1802). Plate 169 from the edition 12.

F.fulgens - (De Candolle 1828). Plate 211 from the edition 5.


J19-F.globosa elegans Paxton 41kB.jpg (41801 bytes)

J19-F.globosa  Paxton  30kB.jpg (30451 bytes)


F.globosa elegans - (Silverlock 1836). Vol. 4 uit 1838 plate 75.

F.globosa - (Lindl.1832). Numbers of edition and plate unknown.


J19-F.macrantha Paxton 54kB.jpg (54421 bytes)

J19-F.cordifolia  Paxton 50kB.jpg (50530 bytes)


F.macrantha - (Matthews 1846). Plate 4082. As simular name is given by the print description the name F.apetala. ?

F.cordifolia - (Bentham 1841). Plate 99 from the edition 9.


J19-F.corymbiflora  Paxton 61kB.jpg (61575 bytes)


 F.corymbiflora - (Ruiz & Pavon 1802). Plate 1000 or 4000?. Volume where you find this plate is unknown. .

F.corymbiflora - (Ruiz & Pavon 1802). Plate 7 from edition 8. On internet offered under the not existing name F.corymbosa.


J19-F.radicans Paxton 48kB.jpg (48771 bytes)

J19-Queen Victoria paxton 51kB.jpg (51946 bytes)

F.radicans - (Miers 1841) The name of this species is now F.regia subsp. serrae (P.Berry 1989). Plate 27 from edition 9.

'Queen Victoria' - (Smith 1843). A plate from the edition Vol. 11 published in 1844.

J19- Fuchsia's van Standish Paxton 45kB President_Clossus-Attraction.jpg (45099 bytes)

J19-F.exoniensis  Paxton 47kB.jpg (47410 bytes)


Three cultivars from crossing Formosa Elegans x F.corymbiflora of the author Standish (1841) in the edition of March 1844. From left to right 'President', 'Colossus' and 'Attraction'

'Exoniensis' - (Pince 1842). Print from the edition 10 plate 151. Would be a crossbreeding F.cordifolia x F.globosa.


                                                                                 'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site'- November 2008

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