Zauschneria californica or Epilobium canum

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Californian Fuchsia


The 'false' fuchsia Californian Fuchsia is more a little known brought up winter hardy plant in The Netherlands. According to Lucas van Herwaarden - webmaster of the Dutch website 'Neerlands Tuin'-  he has somewhere bought in our country this in California native plant by a nurseryman and this one he tried out in his own garden. In our country you search this plant in the nursery catalogue under the denomination 'Zauschneria californica' , while the synonym latin denomination is 'Epilobium canum'. As species you find on internet mostly the sub-varieties'Epilobium canum ssp canum', 'Epilobium canum ssp augustifolium' and 'Epilobium canum ssp latifolium'.

There excist of that also cultivars and the variety that Van Herwaarden tried out is 'Western Hills'. On an American website this one is named as one of the best cultivars. The denomination Californian Fuchsia this plant thanks to the form of the flower that likes on the flowerform of the fuchsia species F.triphylla. The American common name 'Hummingbird trumpet' indicates allready that the plant attracts hummingbirds.

Leaves, stems and evenso the flowers are soft hairy. The leaf shows no any likeness with that of the fuchsia. The form of the leaf is lanceolate and it shows a remarcable grey colour. The branches are brittle and break down easely. The bright red flowers have in the begin a green colour and are 80 mm long. Stamens are yellow and they are less longer than the orangered pistil. The main flowering falls in the period July up to and including September. The Californian Fuchsia is hardy and like a hardy fuchsia this plant grows out from the rootball. They grow up till a height of 0,40 till 0,60 m.

The Californian Fuchsia had to be planted in well-drained soil. Superfluous down-beat namely must become transported quickly. On an American website therefore became adviced to plant them in sandy soil. They can stand well on a sunny standing-place.

Epilobium canum ssp canum
Epilobium canum ssp augustifolium

'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site' - c-28-Updated 2 kB.gif (1754 bytes)November 2008