Ned-H3 winter hardy fuchsias

A good technique to keep your fuchsias identified

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To attach tie-labels to fuchsias planted outside in the garden, may result in them being lost during pruning.

The working group used for that reason, a label loosely tied to the trunk of the plant, using a plastic covered wire. This technique caused the loss of many of our fuchsias, as the trunk got thicker. The wire was by then too tight, and 'choked' the plant.

The best method in the end was the following: placing a plastic label with stick near the base of the plant. On the label is written the fuchsias name etc. with a non-water soluble pen. Such a label placed so near the base is not easily removed during weeding. And can always be found, even it takes a little effort.

For ease of identification by the working group as well as for the many visitors to the testing ground we used the labels as displayed in the photographs as shown below.

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Labels used on the testing ground - The yellow plastic labels (shown on the left hand side) broke during weeding regularly. The bigger, white push-in labels were more robust.As plastic is affected by the UV in the sun's rays, all will need replacement at some stage.

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 'Gelderse Fuchsia Info-site' - c-28-Updated 2 kB.gif (1754 bytes)November 2008

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