Ned-H3 winter hardy fuchsias photo gallery


Webmaster, author/photography: Gerrit van Veen

Only in English version

  The Ned-H3 winter hardy fuchsias photo gallery is best viewed in the browser Internet Explorer 1024 x 768, while there the backgrounds are reproduced more correctly


From the tested hardy fuchsias with status Ned-H3 the author has made a collection photos. He has tried to reproduce in this photos the natural character of the photographed hardy. This by fasten in detail one or more branches with flowers, leaves, flowerbuttons or fruits. Often there is in the photogallery an extra picture of the grown-out hybrid during the flowering period.

The photo's of the Ned-H3's are placed under this in nine galleries. After the cultivarname you find a quality-code of the flowering period (this is n't an indication of the hardiness of the cultivar!):

G = 'good hardy' = flowering on 15 juli
N = 'normal hardy' = flowering on 15 august
N/G = during the trial period there where differences in the yearly observations

After the fuchsianame you also find the format of an grown-out plant after the growing season in November (width x high in meter).

A more detailed description of the Ned-H3 hardys you find on this GFI-website

in article J17:


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Photo gallery 1

Alice Hoffmann - N/G - 0,30/0,40 x 0,50m Beacon - G - 0,60/0,70 x 0,50/0.60m
Achievement - G - 0,80 x 0,65/0,70m Beacon Rosa - G - 0,40 x 0,50m
Aloys Hetterscheid - G - 0,50 x 0,60 m Bernisser Hardy - G - 1,00 x 0,70 x 0,80m
Andromeda - G - 0,50 x 0,60 m Blue Bush - G - 1,20 x 0,60/0,70m
Army Nurse - N/G -1,20/1,30 x 0,90/1,00 m Blue Gown - G - 0,50/0,60 x 0,30/0,40m
Avalanche - G - 0,70/0,75 x 0,40/0,50m Brutus - G - 0,60 x 0,50/0,60m

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Photo gallery 2

Charming - G - 0,70 x 0,50/0,60m Corallina - G - 0,90 x 0,30/0,50m
Chillerton Beauty - G - 1,10/1,20 x 0,80/1,00m Display - G - 0,50 x 0,50/0,70m
Cliff's Hardy - G - 0,30 x 0,55m Dollarprinzessin - N/G - 0,50 x 0,40/0,50m
Clifton Charm - G - 0,70 x 0,50/0,60m Dorothy - G - ~0,50 x 0,75m
Cloverdale Pearl - G - 0,40/0,60 x 0,30/0,40m Dr. Foster - G - 0,70/0,80 x 0,30/0,40m
Constance - N - 0,40 x 0,40/0,50m

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Photo gallery 3

Drame - N/G - 0,90/1,00 x 0,55/0,60m F.mag. var. longipedunculata - G - 0,80 x 0,90m
Dunrobin Bedder - G - 0,40 x 0,25/0,35m F.mag. molinea var. 'alba' - N/G - 1,80 x 1,20/1,40m
Exoniensis - N/G - ~0,60 x 0, 50m F.regia..... - N/G - 0,80 x 1,40/3,50m
F.mag. var. aurea - G - 1,00 x 0,40/0,50m Flash - G - 0,40 x 0,70/0,80m
F.mag. var. fuchoj - G - ~0,60 x 1,00 m Floralies de Nantes - G - ~0,50 x 0,60/0,70m
F.mag. var. tricolori - G - 1,00 x 0,80/1,00m Flocon de Neige - G - 0,70/0,80 x 0,70m

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Photo gallery 4

Foolke - G - 0,60 x 0,90/1,00m Graf Witte - G - 1,00/1,05 x 0,80/0,90m
Galadriel - G - 0,50 x 0,60m Gray Lady - N/G - 0,50 x 0,50m
Garden News - N/G - ~0,40 x 0,40/0,50 m Grey Lady - N/G - 0,40 x 0,40m
Genii - N/G - 0,60/0,80 x 0,50m Happy - G - 0,40 x 0,60m
Golondrina - N/G - 1,00 x 0,80/0,90m Hawkshead - G - 1,10/1,20 x 0,80/1,00m

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Photo gallery 5

Howlett's Hardy - G - 0,40 x 0,50m Lena - G - 0,70/0,75 x 0,50/0,60m
Isis - G - 0,40 x 0,40/0,50m Lidie Bartelink - G - 0,50 x 0,60m
Isabel Ryan - G - 0,70/0,90 x 0,70m Liesbeth Jansen - G - ~0,50 x 0,50/0,60m
Jack Wilson - N/G - ~0,40/0,50 x 0,40/0,50m Lottie Hobby - N/G - ~ 0,50/0,60 x 0,50/0,60m
Komeet - G - 0,70/0,75 x 0,65/0,75m Madame Cornelissen - G - 0,40/0,60 x 0,60m
Lady Thumb - G - 0,35 x 0,30/0,40m Margaret - G - 1,00/1,20 x 1,20m

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Photo gallery 6

Margaret Roe - N/G - 0,30 x 0,30m Mrs. Popple - G - 1,00/1,20 x 0,90/1,20m
Margary Blake - G - 1,00/1,20 x 0,60/0,70m Nicola Jane - G - 0,45/0,50 x 0,40/0,50m
Mephisto - G - 0,90/1,00 x 0,70/0,90m Papoose - G - 1,00 x 0,40/0,60m
Mercurius - G - 1,00 x 0,65/0,75m Pee Wee Rose - N/G - 0,70/0,90 x 0,40/0,50m
Mrs. W.P. Wood - G - 0,70/0,80 x 0,70/0,80m Peggy King - G - 0,80 x 0,80/0,90m

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Photo gallery 7

Phénoménal - N/G - ~ 0,45 x 0,45m Rasputin - G - 0,60 x 0,60m
Pres. Leo Boullemier - N - ~0,30 x 0,35m Rose of Castile Impr. - G - 0,60/0,80 x 0,50/0,60m
Phyllis - G - 0,80 x 0,60/0,70m Royal Purple - N/G - 0,50/0,70 x 0,55/0,65m
Prince of Orange - N/G - 0,70 x 0,35/0,45m Schneewittchen - G - 0,40 x 0,45/0,65m
Prosperity - G - 0,65/0,70 x 0,70/0,80m

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Photo gallery 8

Saturnus - G - 0,70 x 0,60m Susan Travis - G - 0,70/0,90 x 0,50/0,60m
Sealand Prince - G - ~0,60 x 0,75m Suzanna - G - 0,50/0,70 x 0,40/0,50m
Snowcap - N/G - 0,30 x 0,30/0,40m Tausendschön - N/G - 0,40/0,50 x 0,35/0,45m
Sharpitor - N - 0,60/0,70 x 0,35/0,40m Tennessee Waltz - G - 0,60/0,70 x 0,45/0,65m
Son of Thumb - G - 0,30/0,40 x 0,25/0,35m Tendrement - G - 0,70/0,90 x 0,90/1,00m

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Photo gallery 9

Thompsonii - G - 1,00/1,10 x 0,90/1,00m White Pixie - N/G - 0,50/0,60 x 0,55/0,65m
Tom Thumb - G - 0,40 x 0,30/0,40m Whiteknights Amethyst - N - 0,80/0,90 x 0,90/1,00m
Trase   -N/G - 0,50 x 0,35/0,45m Whiteknights Blush - G - 0,90 x 0,45/0,55m
Tresco - G - ~0,60 x 0,75m Whiteknights Pearl - G - 1,20/1,35 x 0,90/1,00m
W.P. Wood - G - 0,50 x 0,45/0,55m

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From the following Ned-H3 hardys the author has no photos:

Abbé Farges - N/G - 0,30 x 0,30/0,40m Heron - G - 0,50 x 0,60m
Americana Elegans - G - 0,60 x1,00/1,20m Hugh Morgan - G - ~0,50 x 0,50m
Annabel - N/G - ~0,60 x 0,55m Janna Roddenhof - G - ~0,60 x 0,70m
Claude Massé - G - ~0,60 x 0,60m Kerry Ann - N/G - ~0,40 x 0,50m
Eva Boerg - G - 0,60 x 0,35/0,45m Rose of Castile - G - 0,50 x 040/0,50m
F.mag. 'Fuclav' - G - ~0.60 x 0,60/0,70m Rufus - G - ~0,50 x 0,60m
F.mag. 'Riccartonii' - G - ~0,70 x 1,00/1,20m Vielliebchen - G - 0,50 x 0,70/0,90m
Hathersage - N/G - 0,40 x 0,40/0,50m Wilma Versloot -G - 0,80 x 0,20m
Flibustier - G - ~0,60/0,70 x 1,00/1,20m

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